World Congress on Procedural Justice at Heidelberg University


World Congress on Procedural Justice at Heidelberg University

15 July 2011 – No. 243/2011

Law experts from all over the world discuss procedural justice in the age of globalisation

Procedural justice is the focal issue at the 14th World Congress organised by the International Association of Procedural Law. It will take place at Heidelberg University from 25 to 30 July 2011. During the event, over 300 academic experts on procedural law from all over the world will be discussing the standards required for fair proceedings in an age of legal and technological globalisation. The invitation to this international congress has been extended by the German and World Associations for International Procedural Law in conjunction with members of Heidelberg’s Faculty of Law. The World Congress last took place in Germany in 1983. Patronage for the event has been assumed by the Federal Minister of Justice, Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger.

In the last few decades, public discussion of procedural law has revolved above all around the question of how the plethora of legal proceedings and the corresponding pressure on the courts could be effectively alleviated. The main theme of the present congress is a different one. The participants will be inquiring whether the traditional standards for fair proceedings will continue to prove their mettle in a changing world and what needs to be done to ensure that they evolve in attunement with ongoing contemporary developments. “We intend to examine this question in seven specific thematic areas like international insolvency law and transnational litigation,” says Prof. Dr. Bernhard Hess of Heidelberg University’s Institute for Foreign and Private International and Commercial Law. “These are all areas where globalisation poses new challenges for procedural law.” Prof. Hess has organised the congress together with Prof. Dr. Thomas Pfeiffer, Prof. Dr. Andreas Piekenbrock and Prof. Dr. Herbert Kronke.

The congress opens at 6 pm on 25 July in the Great Hall of the New University with a keynote speech on “Procedural Justice” by Prof. Dr. Michele Taruffo of the University of Pavia (Italy). The congress of the International Association of Procedural Law (IAPL) is part of the jubilee programme celebrating the 625th anniversary of Heidelberg University. For more details on the congress programme, go to

Note for newsdesks
The congress itself takes place in the Great Hall of the New University. The meeting of the Executive Committee and Council of the IAPL on the opening day takes place in the Senatssaal of the Old University (Grabengasse 1).

Prof. Dr. Burkhard Hess
Institute for Foreign and Private International and Commercial Law
phone:             +49 6221 542215      
[email protected]

Communications and Marketing
Press Office
phone:             +49 6221 542311      
[email protected]




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